12. Other configurations

Command line utilities are provided for a couple of non-standard configurations.

12.1. Circular geometry

hypnotoad-circular provides an interface for creating a grid file for a configuration with concentric, circular flux surfaces. Input is provided by a YAML settings file, passed as a command line argument. The grid can be ‘core only’ (only closed flux surfaces) when limiter = False or ‘SOL only’ (field lines end on a limiter, no closed flux surfaces) when limiter = True.

The full set of options are listed here: Circular options. Nonorthogonal options can also be used, but are unlikely to be helpful as any limiter present is orthogonal to the flux surfaces.


Create a grid file for a configuration with circular, concentric flux surfaces.

usage: hypnotoad-circular [-h] [--pdb] [--plot-regions] [--plot-mesh]

Positional Arguments


Named Arguments


Default: False


Default: False


Default: False

12.2. TORPEX X-point

hypnotoad-torpex provides an interface for creating a grid file for a configuration with an isolated X-point, where all four separatrix branches end on a wall so there are no closed flux surfaces. A configuration of this type was studied in the TORPEX device.

The full set of options are listed here: TORPEX options. Note that at least psi_core and psi_sol are required to be set (some values whose defaults say ‘Required’ in the table will have default values set from those two).

Nonorthogonal options can also be used: Nonorthogonal options.


Create grid for TORPEX X-point configuration

usage: hypnotoad-torpex [-h] [--noplot] filename

Positional Arguments


Named Arguments


Default: False